Saturday, March 21, 2015

The Hurt's European Vacation- Stockhom

For spring break, the Hurt family came to visit. It was great to have visitors from home. 

We wanted to give them a very Swedish experience while they were here, so we filled their itinerary with all the must-see things while in Stockholm. 

We of course had to take them to the Vasa Museum....

Had lunch at Max Burger (which is the Swedish version of McDonald's)

...Walked around Djurgården...

...Visited the ABBA Museum where he had the time of our lives...

Gretchen, Belle and Lydia even recorded their own rendition of Mamma Mia.

... Dined like a Viking....

....Toured Gamla Stan.... a birds-eye view atop of the Globen Arena....

...watched the changing of the guard at the Royal Palace....

...and finished our time in Stockholm at Hard Rock Cafe (had to throw a little American food in with all the Swedish cuisine!). 

We had a great week and were able to give the Hurt's a glimpse of the Swedish lifestyle. The next stop for the Hurt's and Graber's European vacation was Paris!

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