Saturday, April 11, 2015

A visit from Nana and Papa (Cyle's Parents)

In April, Cyle's parents made the journey to Stockholm to visit us, or should I say to visit with Belle! Therefore, it was not much of a surprise that most of their visit centered around playing with Belle. She was so excited to see them and never left their side. She loved going to the playground with Papa and story time with Nana.

Her favorite part of the book was making the horses go "clip-clop" and waving at the Queen 

Between story time and playground visits, we manged to show them the highlights of Stockholm.

Visiting the Royal Palace

The streets of Gamla Stan with City Hall in the background.

A trip to Stockholm wouldn't be complete without a visit to Ikea (and Belle got to try out her new backpack! ;) )

We attended a Medieval Festival with Mike and Allison.

Visited Drottingholm Palace, the residence of the King and Queen of Sweden

We enjoyed their visit, and Belle can't wait to see them more once we are home.

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