Thursday, December 25, 2014

God Jul: Merry Christmas from Sweden

God Jul from Sweden

We were very un-Swedish as we celebrated Christmas the day of rather than Christmas Eve, like the Swedes. In Sweden, families gather Christmas Eve to exchange gifts and Santa usually makes an appearance to visit with the children and deliver their gifts. While we may have broken Swedish tradition, we still embraced a few customs such as beginning our morning with Kanelbullar (cinnamon buns) and coffee as we opened our gifts.

Even though we celebrated on the wrong day, Santa was still able to find Belle. I think Grandpa and Grammy made sure Santa knew where she was living as the presents seem to triple once they arrived. We had to made other accommodations for the gifts as they wouldn't fit around our little tree. 

It was fun to watch Belle this year as she is old enough now to enjoy opening her presents (last year she slept/cried through Christmas ;)

Belle's Swedish book about a little girl named Belle and her stuffed bunny named Boo. We found the book at NK department store and had to get it for her!
Thanks Aunt CiCi and Uncle Nick for my mini Delilah

Grammy with her new cell phone/wallet cover. If you want to fit in in Sweden, you have one of these!

My Christmas gift from Cyle- Swedish Santa and Mrs. Claus. I love them and they are a perfect addition to my Santa collection!
Fa-Ra Ra Ra Ra -Don't worry, we were still able to watch a Christmas Story, although we had to purchase it through I-Tunes 

After opening our gifts, we had an American style breakfast including scrambled eggs, bacon, biscuits and gravy. The biscuits tasted wonderful as Europe does not have biscuits. In fact, most people do not even know what they are! 

Belle especially loved the gravy
We then spent the afternoon watching Belle play with all of her new presents. Her favorite presents were the drum set and Minnie Mouse car my parents bought for her. Mom and Dad especially love it that she got a drum set! ;)

That evening, we ventured into Gamla Stan for a Christmas dinner at a local Italian restaurant, Agaton. We dressed Belle in her pudding pants, which were a gift from Olivia in England. Sean and Emma told us that it is an English tradition.

Belle couldn't come to Sweden and not get a Pippi Longstocking doll!
Allison and Mike joined us for the evening. The food was delicious and the company was even better. It was a memorable and enjoyable Christmas abroad. 

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