Sunday, November 23, 2014

An IKEA Christmas

Living in Sweden, where else would we go to buy our Christmas decorations but IKEA?  Since Sweden doesn't have Thanksgiving, Christmas decorations are in the stores beginning November 1.  I love to decorate for Christmas and couldn't wait to purchase our decorations.  So, finally, around mid November, I convinced Cyle to make the trip to IKEA to get our Christmas decorations.   

Belle shopping at IKEA 

These are the times that I really miss having a car.  We couldn't buy too much since we had to haul all of our purchases on the T-Bana and up the gigantic hill to our apartment. 

That evening, we decorated our apartment.  Cyle affectionately refers to our tree as the Charlie Brown Christmas tree, but it does the job.  Belle even "helped" us decorate the tree!

I had to ensure that we had the traditional Swedish decorations as well. Everyone has an advent star and candle in their windows, so of course we had to have one as well. 


I think we are ready for Christmas!

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