Friday, July 17, 2015

For the Love of Fika

To say that Swedes love coffee would be an understatement.  In fact, they have a special time set aside in the day to drink coffee; its called fika.  Fika technically means ‘to have coffee’ in Swedish, but the word carries a much higher level of importance than just the act of drinking coffee.  It’s more about the entire act of dropping everything you’re doing to meet up with your friends, coworkers, classmates, etc. to socialize while drinking coffee and enjoy a special treat.   That special treat is crucial as Swedes love their sweets.  Cinnamon buns, cakes, cookies, even open-faced sandwiches pass as acceptable fika fair. 
Enjoying an afternoon fika

Belle enjoying a morning fika
 It’s pretty typical to fika at least once in the morning and once in the afternoon, so it’s a deeply ingrained tradition during the Swedish work day.  
The coffee machines at Cyle's office.
I think this picture portrays the importance of fika and coffee.
Every floor has deluxe coffee machines like the ones pictured (and there are 10 floors).   
While Cyle fikas everyday at work, on Thursday it's a special fika day as special pastries are brought in for the office.  I always enjoy hearing what special treat Cyle got at work that day.  
Fika Couches at Skanska
I think Cyle is really going to miss the tradition of fika once he's home.  He has truly embraced that part of the Swedish culture!

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