Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Statues of Stockholm

Stockholm is an interesting blend of new and old.  While it has its historical past, Stockholm also a modern vibe to it as well.  Part of what makes Stockholm unique is the statues that adorn the city.  While they have their statues to historical figures of the past, there are also some more quirkier statues hidden throughout the city.  

"Boy Watches the Moon"
Hidden in Gamla Stan, this is the smallest statue in Sweden.   It retells the memory from the artist's childhood of when he during sleepless night used to sit on his bed to stare at the moon through his window. It is practice to rub his head for good luck.  

"Rag and Bone"
The Homeless Fox sits  just outside of Rosenbad (Prime Minister’s Office and the Government Chancellery in Sweden) right before the bridge leading to Gamla stan (the Old Town) and Riksdagshuset (the Parliament building)The little homeless fox sits there, night and day, like a constant reminder that there are still improvements to make in the Swedish welfare society.

"Margaretha Krook"
Right outside of Dramaten - Stockholm’s Drama theater - stands the warm statue of Margaretha Krook, one of Sweden’s most beloved actresses of the 20th century.
Rumor has it that Margaretha was against the idea of erecting a statue in her memory, as statues are generally cold and unapproachable.
In order not to contradict her wishes, and in the spirit of honoring her memory, a warm statue, maintained at a 37 degree Celsius (98.6 Fahrenheit) temperature all year round, was erected in her honor right outside of Stockholm’s Drama theater, in the same spot she used to stand for her pre-show cigarette

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